What you need to know about 3D and game development.
This page is a collection of different useful tipps. We try to present some insights from this project in a digestable and structured way.
We don’t claim to get everything right, or to consider every aspect of 3D and game development workflows, but we feel that much of the knowledge that we akquired through tedious research and experimentation is worth sharing.
Starting out in 3D can be quite overwhelming. Learning how to use a software is a massive investment of time and energy. Naturally, you may ask yourself: Which software should I learn? Which one is best? What skills do I need to akquire? What do I need to think about when creating assets for a game?
We try to break it down for you. In the sections below you will find some high-level overviews for different topics. This is a growing library of information. If you are missing a specific topic, drop us an email and we will try to address your questions.